Greg Glasgow

Cartoon of an arrow in a target

Personal Growth

Failure Is an Option

Greg Glasgow

Three coworkers arguing at table


Managing Team Conflicts

Greg Glasgow

Man starting new job with box and plant while coworkers smile

Professional Development

Ready for a Career Change?

Greg Glasgow

Two women laughing together outside


Humor in the Ordinary

Greg Glasgow

Well with bucket of water pouring into it


The Power of Influence

Greg Glasgow

Paved road leading to mountains, sunshine, and red flag

Personal Growth

Staying Motivated Through Tough Times

Greg Glasgow

Woman in white sweatshirt holding purple bubble with the word direct


What's Your Communication Style?

Greg Glasgow

Red boat on water


Leadership in a Changed World

Greg Glasgow

Four heads with thumbs up and down cut out

Personal Growth

Confronting Our Hidden Beliefs

Greg Glasgow

Cartoon people next to a pro/con list


The Art of Argument

Greg Glasgow

Lightbulb with brain graphic


The Art of Virtual Brainstorming

Greg Glasgow

Illustration of two women speaking across table


Mastering Controversial Conversations

Greg Glasgow